Saturday, October 1, 2011

This is Luke

My name is Luke and I am a sophomore in college, I am majoring in computer science with a minor in computer information systems. I enjoy being able to sit down and program along with being able to mess around with computers in general. At the end of the semester I hope that I will have a little bit more information about programming in C++ along with how to design a better webpage.

I am also a member of the AITP which is the Association of information technology professionals. One of my main duties in AITP is being the head of the software committee where we provide students on campus with Microsoft's software for the charge of only $10. We are able to provide many programs such as project 2010 along with access 2010. We can also provide you with operating systems such as Windows 7 and Windows XP. And we are always accepting orders through the  AITP e-mail which is

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

blogs vs wikis

a.       Compare and contrast blogs and wikis.
      Blogs and wikis have many things in common this is including the fact that they can be edited at any time. However the main difference between a blog and a wiki is that a blog is only one person talking while a wiki is normally multiple people all editing one item. Blogs and wikis are both good examples of asynchronous communication because they have to do with people being able to talk at different times.

b.      Comment on the importance of convergence in today's networked world.

     The importance of convergence in today's networked world is that everybody's able to communicate easily through something as big as the Internet. This allows us to be in two completely different places and still be able to communicate very easily it also allows us to be able to stay in touch with one another as well as collaborate on different ideas.

c.       How can blogs be used for collaboration?
      Blogs can be used for collaboration in different ways although they are not the most practical method of doing it it is possible the blog. Blogs can be used as a simple way of one person killing another how to do it in comments can allow for talk back and forth. However, it is easier if you use something more like a wiki to be able to collaborate easier.

d.      Can you think of a new use for a wiki that has not been done yet?
      Wikis can be used for many things including things such as collaboration and can even help students in such a way as Wikipedia does. It allows multiple people to be able to edit and make certain topics on the web for everybody to see. Things such as programming languages are easily found online in wiki settings. As far as ways that wikis have not been used there are few that I can think of. One of which is a can be a way for friends to stay in touch better or even a family that lives long distances away from each other.